søndag 19. mars 2017

Så kom vinteren tilbake igjen, akkurat som forventa/Then winter returned, just as I expected

Men det er nå likevel som et eventyr, når trærne henger snøtunge, og sola varmer i kropp og sjel...
But there still is a fairytale, when the branches are hanging down, filled with snow, and the sun varming up body and soul...

tirsdag 7. mars 2017

Straumen på Inderøya, en perle for fuglefotografer/Straumen at Inderøya, a pearl to bird photography

The common eider gathering in huge numbers here during winter, and when spring arrives they will be spread all over the coast up to Svalbard. Hopefully they will raise a lot of chicks! :-)

 Common eider, male
 ...and the photographer struggling with the lens, it seems
as the birds will offer me some help! :-D
 "You made it work!" :-)

 Female eider, brown as the seaweed, brown algaes,
where she has her nest......

Young male eider

They have no neck problems, I wish my neck was
a little more flexible......

There were also some other creatures out in the field
this day, an otter was on his way down to the sea.....

 ...and a great cormorant was passing by..........