søndag 21. august 2016

Høsten er definitivt på tur inn i vår hverdag igjen, kortere dager, mørke netter og råere luft/Autumn is definitely on its way into our lifes again, shorter days, darker nights and moister air

Sola går ned like etter 21.00 nå, og det er nesten mørkt allerede i 22.00 tida/Sunset is now about 21.00, and it's almost dark around 22.00.

Solnedgangene er flotte nå, og stadig tidligere på kvelden. Her fra Uthaug havn.
The sunsets start earlier in the evening now. This is from Uthaug harbour.

Kjeungen lighthouse

Grey heron in sunset

Trekkfuglene stopper for hvile og mat på sin 
ferd sørover for vinteren/The migratory birds are 
stopping for a rest and some food 
on their journey south for the winther season.

Elgoksene begynner vel snart å feie basten av geviret/
The bull moose will soon start to remove the skin from their antlers.

Det blomstrer enda, men om ikke lenge er det bare frø tilbake......
Still blooming flowers, but soon only seeds will remain......

4 kommentarer:

  1. fantastiv pictures. such lovely pictures of the beaver. And I never saw a moose in nature. You are living in an beautiful nature.

    1. Thank you very much, Suza! Yes, I feel lucky to live in this part of the world!
      Greetings from Lillian

  2. Hola Lillian,espectaculares imagenes de paisajes y de fauna.esas luces y puestas de sol me fascinan,siempre te digo.es una suerte vivir en tu pais con tanta variedad de fauna y paisajes.Un fuerte abrazo amiga y feliz semana.

    1. Thank you very much, Antonio! Yes, we are lucky that we still have many different animals and birds in our surroundings! Have a nice photoweek and soon the birds will leave us and come into your country! :-)
      Hugs from Lillian
