Today there was a goosanders who ran the show in Nidelva! It came as a torpedo through the water, threw himself into duck flock like a bowling ball, and reef the food out of their mouths! Even the gulls came up short against such a spin wild type! Having beaten a bunch of mallards, spread terror among the ladies, he swam into the middle of the river, so very pleased with himself!
After a wash and dry wing, he turned sharply and he came towards me at full speed! Brandishing up front with me, and gave me that look! "Did you see all that, Miss ?!" Yes, I was put more or less speechless behind....... :-)
Nesten som en torpedo/Almost like a torpedo.....
Hva skjer a?/Whats up?
Den tar jeg takk!!/I want that one, thank you!!
Dette var moro! Neste!/Very funny! Next!
Ikke prøv deg, grønnskolling!/ Oh, don't you try, socker!
Herover!/Over here!
Ikke vær redd damer, jeg elsker dere!/
Don't be afraid, ladies! I love you!
Hit med godbiten, dustemikkel!/
Give me the candy, you jerk!
Mmmm, dette var jo forfriskende!/
Mmmm, this was really refreshing!
Vel vel, frøken, fikk du med deg det der?!?/
Well well, miss, did you get all that on tape?!?
Jeg var nesten andpusten etter slagsmålet, og satt målløs tilbake..../
I was almost breathless after the battle, and was just sat out.......
Puh, etterpå var det beroligende
å komme inn i parken og
møte denne vesle karen igjen!/
Puh, after this fight,
it was relaxing going into the park and meet
this little fellow again...
Hæ? Har itj dokker med mat heller?!!/ What? Didn't
you bring any food either?!!
Jaja, bare å klatre opp igjen da...../
Ok, just have to climb up the tree again then.....
Hola Lillian,magnificas y divertidas imagenes.Un abrazo y feliz domingo
SvarSlettPrachtig deze serie de eenden en vooral de eekhoorn.
SvarSlettThank you very much, Antonio and bas! :_)
SvarSlettKind regards Lillian