lørdag 22. februar 2025

Wildlife in my garden - roedeer and sparrowhawk

 I live in a neighborhood of many houses and people, so it's very special to have wildlife so close. They are normally very shy, and seek to the woods to avoid people. But winter season force them to seek food everywhere. When we feed the birds, the hawk follows.

onsdag 5. februar 2025

Dangerous times for the small garden birds...

 The small birds in my garden have had some rough days lately, attacked by a sparrow hawk when feeding. This is nature, so I can't do anything than observe, how cruel as it sounds...

fredag 17. januar 2025

The common blackbird and other small birds in my garden

Today I had a few blackbird in my garden, and the goldfinches, blue tit, the great tit and european greenfinch kept them company.  :-)