Today I had a few blackbird in my garden, and the goldfinches, blue tit, the great tit and european greenfinch kept them company. :-)
Nature photo by Lillian U. Gulliksen
fredag 17. januar 2025
fredag 3. januar 2025
søndag 3. november 2024
Life on my bird feeder and by the lake Steinsfjorden.
European greenfinch, House sparrow, Great tit, Blue tit, European goldfinch, Eurasian tree sparrow, Hawfinch, Eurasian siskin and Eurasian wren are the most common birds in my garden.
Mute swans and Eurasian coot are common by the lake Steinsfjorden.
European goldfinch
European goldfinch
European goldfinch
European goldfinch
Blue tit
European greenfinch
European greenfinch
European greenfinch
European goldfinch and greenfinch
European goldfinch
European goldfinch and greenfinch
European goldfinch and greenfinch
European goldfinch
European goldfinch
European goldfinch
European goldfinch
Blue tit
European greenfinch
The great tit
The great tit
European goldfinch and great tit
European greenfinch
Eurasian siskin
Eurasian siskin
House sparrow
The tree sparrow
European goldfinch
European goldfinch and greenfinch
European goldfinch and greenfinch
European goldfinch and greenfinch
Eurasian coot
Eurasian coot
Eurasian coot
Eurasian coot
Eurasian coot
Mute swan
Mute swans
Mute swans
Mute swan
Mute swan
Mute swan
Mute swan
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